MALSCE holds an annual convention. The location alternates on a four-year schedule with each chapter/region hosting. The convention generally includes technical programs, a vendor exhibit including displays of the latest technology, an annual Board of Directors meeting and installation of officers, presentation of scholarships to deserving students of land surveying and civil engineering and a networking reception and auction to benefit the MALSCE Education Trust.
When possible, the convention includes refresher classes for those scheduled to take the SIT and PLS exams in April.
Important: To be recognized as a MALSCE member you must login using your MALSCE assigned username and password.
Registration is processed through the MALSCE associated website, MALSCE is supported by the staff of The Engineering Center Education Trust.
Please note: Altering your name or contact information during registration may overwrite your record in our membership database and prevent you from receiving your member benefits.
If you have additional questions regarding registration, please contact us at 617/227-5551 or